Objective: This study is to report a manual method to obtain platelet rich plasma (PRP). Methods: For this study 61 ml of peripheral blood was obtained and submitted to centri- fugation at 541g for 5 min. The centrifugation separates the blood into three components: red blood cells, buffy coat and platelet rich plasma. Blood and platelet rich plasma samples were sent to the Hospital\'s Laboratory and platelets and leukocytes were measured. Results: A sample of 637 blood donors was evaluated. The platelet yield efficiency was 86.77% and the increase in platelet concentration factor was 2.89 times. The increase in leukocyte concentration factor was 1.97 times. Conclusion: The method described here produces leukocyte-rich and platelet-rich plasma with a high platelet and leukocyte increased factor. Level of Evidence IV, Controlled Laboratory Study.